6 Things You Don’t NEED to Do to Lose Weight

**Disclaimer: This post may contain Amazon affiliate and other affiliate links. Any purchases made through these links may result in a small commission for me (at no extra cost for you), but all opinions are my own. Thank you 🙂 **

Starting an exercise routine and changing eating habits can be downright daunting. Change is hard, especially when there’s so much information bouncing around about what is the best way to lose weight. Not only is there a ton of information, but there’s so much misinformation out there! It’s almost impossible to figure out what direction to go in order to get where you want to be.

Related: 5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting My Fitness Journey

Plus, people have their own ideas about what fitness is, means, and requires. Whether their beliefs stem from past experiences, observing others, or being bombarded by the media, everyone equates certain actions and behaviors with being “fit.”  For example, I’ve been told to “eat a cheeseburger” – I do eat cheeseburgers, and I’m fit.  It’s been assumed that I’m anorexic/bulimic and that my calorie intake must be severely low – I eat an average of 2,000 calories per day without purging, and I’m fit.  I’ve been asked if I’ve cut out carbohydrates – I pay my carb intake basically no attention whatsoever, and I’m fit.  I’ve been asked if I workout for hours every day – I train for less than an hour per day, 4-6 days per week, and I’m fit.

Related: How Being “Fit-Shamed” Made Me Feel

It’s staggering how much people assume this and that about someone else’s life based on their own misconceptions about health and fitness, in general.  There’s so much out there that works for weight loss and fitness that there is absolutely no need for a one-size fits all approach.  What works for them may not work for you.  Not that their method is wrong, but maybe it’s unenjoyable for you, and therefore impossible to do consistently.

Weight loss hopefuls are confused into thinking they must do what “everyone else” is doing, whether they like it or not. Unfortunately, this dooms them to fail from the very beginning! Doing something you hate, and therefore unable and unwilling to do consistently, in the name of weight loss is discouraging, unenjoyable, and makes you feel like you don’t have what it takes to change your life. But I promise you, you do.

Weight loss can be achieved in many different ways! Here is a list of a few things you can do if you want to, but that I’ve found from personal experience to be completely unnecessary for weight loss. However unessential these tactics are, their prevalence runs rampant among the fitness community. 

This is more of a myth-busting than a list of what not to do.  If you love any and all of these activities, by all means DO THEM.  Finding something you love and can consistently do is what it’s all about!  I’m just saying that it’s easy to let your behaviors be influenced by @Lil_Miss_Fit_As_Hell on Instagram, but just because she’s doing it doesn’t mean you need to, too.  You can reach your goals on your own terms. And, honestly, that’s the only way you will achieve your goals and sustain them in the long run.

  1. Run

I bought a jogging stroller.  In fact, I bought two jogging strollers. I felt soft, wanted to get in shape, and had children, so naturally I needed a jogging stroller.  It seems so silly now.  I mean, this would make total sense and be the opposite of silly for someone who actually likes to jog.  I am not that someone.  Running is not my jam.  I’m slow, check my watch constantly hoping it’s almost over, and feel like I want to die the entire time.  Why on earth did I feel the need to have a jogging stroller?

Because…I thought to be “fit” I had to run.  In order to lose weight, I had to run my fat ass all over hell’s half acre.  Geez Louise, I couldn’t have been more wrong!  I don’t like running and I dreaded it every day I was “supposed” to do it. When you dread something it’s incredibly easy to put it off and put it off and end up not doing it – or anything – at all!

Eventually, I just started walking for my cardio. I like it, and I do it often between walks to the parks and school, and on my treadmill when I’m reading, studying, or scrolling. It is a good fit for me, my schedule, and my preferences. Whether it’s planned, dedicated LISS (Low-Intensity Steady State), or a random, stop-and-go stroll with the kids, in my opinion it counts. Actually, in my opinion, it all counts. If you’re moving your body and being active, check that shit off your list rather than constantly trying to fit in and do more. If you hate running, you absolutely do not need to do it to get in shape!

Related: 9 Sneaky Ways to Increase Your NEAT

  1. HIIT

To piggyback on number 1 above, I’d like to note that HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts are also completely unnecessary for weight-loss. I used to kinda like HIIT because it took half the time as a LISS (Low-Intensity Steady State) cardio session and I felt pretty badass when I was done with my treadmill sprints. Eventually I got tired of sprinting and the thought of it having to do it would put me in a bad mood. Then I started jumping rope for HIIT, and that was slightly better. After a while, though, I just stopped doing HIIT altogether because I flat out didn’t want to do it.  I just don’t care for it these days.

I lift fairly heavy most days of the week through Kelsey Wells’ PWR program on the SWEAT app, and I stay fairly active with a step goal otherwise.  I noticed that weeks would go by without me doing a formal cardio session, and it didn’t affect my progress whatsoever.  Cardio is, of course, important for overall health, so I’ve been making an effort to incorporate into my routine more.  Recently I’ve been working through a back injury, plus I’ve had some reading for another project I’m working on, so I’ve spent a bit more time walking the treadmill lately.  Life is full of seasons and so is a fitness journey – you’ve just gotta roll with the punches and make it work.

Related: My Post-Partum Journey With the SWEAT App

Bottom line, if you hate it don’t do it.  Find something you don’t hate and you’ll be much more likely to keep up with it consistently and therefore, see progress.

  1. Bake Things with Protein Powder

You see recipes pop up all over the internet for high protein confectioneries. And sure, they always look and sound amazing. And sure, you wanna give them a go because you’ve got both goals and a sweet tooth to satisfy.

Unless experimental baking is your jam, don’t waste your time. Making protein brownies, cookies, cakes, etc. is completely unnecessary for weight loss and/or hitting protein goals. Plus, they usually taste like ass. *disclaimer: no asses were tasted in the making of this comparison*

I’d say 9.9 times outta 10 (okay, maybe just 10/10) I’d rather have less of “the real thing” than its protein-infused, sickly-sweet imposter. Unless you find the taste of artificial sweeteners and protein powder delectable, and you’ve got spare time to make your own oat flour and grate zucchini (wtf?), just grab yourself some cottage cheese, lunchmeat, or a protein bar, or throw a scoop of protein powder in a blender bottle with a shot of espresso and call it a day. Chances are the calories will be lower and the macros will be way better anyway, leaving room for a small, real, non-ass tasting treat.

Sometimes I see the nutrition information for “protein treats” and I’m actually appalled at the calorie and fat content.  Sure, maybe there’s a few more grams of protein per cookie, but usually the fat and calories are just as high as if you just ate an actual cookie.  I don’t know about you, but I’ll take the real damn cookie and then eat a heaping spoonful of cottage cheese that more than makes up for the protein difference.

Related: 10 Tips for Healthier Snacking

  1. Eliminate Carbs, or Anything Else for that Matter

This one….is huge. I don’t know anyone who hates eating carbs.  In fact, if I took a poll and asked participants to choose between CARBS ARE GROSS and CARBS ARE LIFE, I’d be willing to bet close to 100% would choose the latter.  Unfortunately, if I did another poll and worded the choices CARBS ARE THE DEVIL and CARBS ARE LIFE, I bet the results would be very different.  I always think of the Southwest Airlines commercial when they’re yelling at other airlines, “Why do you hate bags??” regarding other airlines charging for checked baggage – WHY DO YOU HATE CARBS?? (Okay, I actually took the time to link and watch the commercial and they don’t even say “why do you hate bags?” It’s “why do you charge for bags?!” HA! But whatever, you get it.)

Sure, if your carbs are eaten in the form of sugar and flour in multiple cupcakes and doughnuts day in and day out, you may not see the results you’re looking for.  That does sound heavenly, however. I’ll grant you that.  It won’t seem so heavenly, though, when you feel like a sluggish, slovenly blob – so write that down. You may not experience weight loss if all your carbs are refined and processed, full of sugars, and mixed with all the fats in the form of frosted and sprinkled baked goods. Sorry, but NEWSFLASH – it’s not the carbs’ fault. It’s the calories.  It always comes down to calories. ALWAYS.

Related: Calorie Cycling: Why I Cycle My Calories and Why it Might Be Right for You, Too

A gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories, which is less than half of the 9 calories found in a gram of fat. So, before you go all Keto on your ass, please remind yourself how much you love carbs, in all its forms – pretzels, fruits, veggies, bread, sugar – and ask yourself if cutting out those things is worth it and sustainable long-term. If it is, more power to you – run with it (or walk with it if you hate running like I do – see #1).  You do you.  But if it isn’t, don’t touch that diet with a 10-foot pole!  If it’s not worth it or sustainable, it’s a torturous, deceiving, miserable diet you will undoubtedly quit – not a lifestyle. And a healthy lifestyle is the ultimate goal.  Find a sustainable weight loss method that fits your life as comfortably as you want your jeans to fit your body, and you will have discovered your own, personal secret to lasting weight loss success.

Related: Why a “Bad” Diet Day is Actually a Good Thing

I’m just picking on Keto as an example – don’t fully eliminate anything unless it’s recommended by your doctor, you’ve got underlying health issues or allergies, or for your own personal convictions. Don’t eliminate entire food groups or ingredients on a whim only because you’re trying to lose weight. Chances are once you lose the weight (if you can deprive yourself long enough to see weight loss success, that is – I’m guessing you can’t/won’t but I’m kind of a bitch. But also, this bitch is right) and reintroduce your “forbidden” food(s) you’ll gain some, most, or all the weight back…maybe even more.

I’m not saying that cutting back on certain things here and there is a bad idea, I’m saying cutting out things entirely may not be the most sustainable route to take. Set yourself up for success through moderation and balance instead of relying on deprivation and restriction to get you anywhere.

Related: Why I Eat a Low Fat Diet

  1. Count Calories/Track Macros

Okay, okay, if you know me at all or follow me on Instagram, you know I do both of these things. I do both of these things…now. I enjoy doing both of these things…now. And I can do both of these things without going down an unhealthy road, mentally or physically. I know some personalities and tracking don’t mix. 

And if you have one of those personalities, or simply hate counting, tracking, and logging your food, you’re in luck! Because it’s totally, completely, 100% not necessary for weight loss! Simply start by increasing your water, fruit, and vegetable intake. Prioritize lean protein. Pay attention to portion sizes. Be mindful about snacking. Choose lighter options. Make meals at home more often. Read labels and nutrition facts.

It’s more than possible to see results this way. For the first 14 months of my own fitness journey I weighed and tracked NOTHING, and lost nearly 30 pounds. I had tracked calories in the past and lost weight…but hardly ate healthy. I had even attempted macro tracking in the past, prior to my current successful journey as a macro-tracker…and failed miserably. I just hadn’t gotten to the point in my life where I knew enough about fueling my body properly, with adequate calories and protein, in a way that also satisfied my taste buds and cravings.

I’m there now, though. It’s taken an incalculable number of baby steps, ever-evolving goals, and so many seasons of life changes to get here. I’ve changed and grown into this place over time of testing the waters, taking risks, and seeing what happens. Someday I may be doing something completely different, but for now this is what is working for me

If you just wanna get a feel for what you’re eating and get a baseline, jotting down what you eat in a food diary for just a few days (including a weekend day) can help. Same goes for weighing your servings and portions for 2-3 days. This will raise your level of awareness of how much a serving size is, and this knowledge comes in handy when you’re dishing out food when you aren’t actively weighing or logging.

  1. Buy Meal Plans or Fancy Cookbooks

Guilty! I have purchased a number of PDFs I’ve never printed, hardly opened, and cooked or baked zero things out of. What a waste of money. To be fair, it was when I was caught up with the idea of baking protein goodies. *eyeroll* Come to find out, dry protein doughnuts with frosting made out of Greek yogurt and protein powder are not the answer. Unless the question is What tastes 1000x worse than an actual doughnut?

Every Tom, Dick, and Harry on Instagram is selling a cookbook or meal plan, but like…have you ever heard of Pinterest? Or Google? Literally every food imaginable is there, and food bloggers are just itching to tell you what color the sky was the day they made the recipe – *eyeroll* – but they always, eventually, share the recipe. For free! Just keep scrolling or click “printable recipe” or “jump to recipe” to breeze past their pointless banter. You’ll probably have to click on a few Xs to get rid of stupid pop-ups and relentless how-to videos, but it’ll all be worth it.  Hang in there. You’ll get through it.

You don’t need a meal plan filled with 70% crap you don’t like and countless ingredients you never have on hand. You don’t need a cookbook for crunchwraps. Seriously, throw some shit in a wrap, fold it up, and lightly pan “fry” it with a lil non-stick cooking spray – voilà! But anyway, all you need is to decide what sounds good, search the internet for a recipe, read food labels and choose lighter options and swaps for ingredients to fit your nutritional goals, and get cooking!

Related: Meal Prep Recipe Roundup! 8 of my Favorite Make-Ahead Lunches (& My Macro-Friendly Prep Tips!)

I find eating to a set plan only adds stress to my week. What if the grocery store doesn’t have this? What if I run outta time to make that? What if I don’t like or just don’t feel like eating what’s on the menu? The rigidity of a meal plan can feel too strict and overbearing, when sometimes I just wanna eat what sounds good or what I can throw together in a pinch.

Related: 5 Quick and Easy Macro-Friendly Weekday Breakfasts

As overwhelming as the whole concept of change can be, it’s 100% worth it.  The key is to not let yourself fall victim to subscribing to someone else’s way to weight loss rather than first looking inward for answers. You know yourself and your personality better than anyone. What do you like to eat? What activities do you enjoy? What is convenient for you? There are so many paths you could take – and even forge for yourself! – when it comes to health and fitness. Pick the one that’s right for you

It’s important to also allow yourself the time and grace to figure out what is right for you. Failing forward is okay, and is not actually failing. Every time you find you’ve “failed,” just be thankful you’ve learned something new about yourself, and can move on to find something that’s a better fit. Once you find the weight loss method that fits your preferences and lifestyle, you will be unstoppable and well on your way to absolutely achieving your goals.

What anyone and everyone else does isn’t necessarily gonna be your cup of tea. And that doesn’t mean you’re wrong. And it doesn’t mean they’re wrong. It just means the methods aren’t a good fit for you. And you are what this is all about, so pay attention to your wants, needs, and emotions. What you want and need matters. How you feel matters. You matter.

What did I forget? What’s something you used to think you had to do to lose weight that you later discovered wasn’t necessary at all? Let me know in the comments!

Curious on what I do and how I’ve gotten where I am? Follow me, my posts, and my stories on Instagram!

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